How to use aloe vera for hair?
Is aloe vera good for hair?
Found in many store-bought products and praised across the Internet, aloe vera seems to be a silver bullet in hair treatment. But what are the true merits of aloe vera for hair, and how to avail of them? We’ve collected info from scientific resources and hair experts to get everything clarified.

What Is Aloe Vera?
Cultivated industrially in hot climates, the aloe vera plant can be actually found across the globe, and specifically in our homes. It belongs to the succulent family known for its ability to store water in the stems and leaves. The sticky translucent gel contained in an aloe vera leaf is widely praised for its incredible healing properties. It consists of water and protein, boasting 20 amino acids, 9 minerals, 8 enzymes, and 6 vitamins. Aloe vera oil and gel have gained widespread acceptance in cosmetics, including the extensive use of aloe vera juice for hair care. And though the market is stuffed with beauty products containing the plant’s extract, the best part is that we can obtain aloe vera gel for hair care right from its natural source – our houseplants.

Proven and Possible Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair
So, let’s figure out what aloe vera does for your hair and how to attach this magic extract to your hair goals.
– Growing
Though few controlled trials have been carried out on the efficacy of aloe vera for hair growth, scientific reasoning for its application still exists. The gel improves blood circulation locally, contains antioxidative vitamins A, C, and E (thus preventing damage and premature aging caused by oxidative stress), and manages skin inflammation, which is important for hair regrowth.
– Nourishing
Filled with all kinds of nutrients, the gel works great to strengthen our locks from inside. It seems to penetrate the skin faster than water and can open the pores for biologically active substances. No wonder that many trichologists advocate aloe vera for hair loss treatment.
– Hydrating
As mentioned earlier, the gel is a perfect moisturizer with its mucopolysaccharides assisting in moisture retention. This predetermines the use of aloe vera for dry hair and damaged strands with split ends.
– Healing
Don’t hesitate to employ aloe vera for scalp treatment, as the remedy features anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents like phenols and sulfur. Moreover, it boasts a combination of a polysaccharide and a growth hormone that boosts collagen production to heal the skin. So, the gel is effective for hair dandruff and itchy scalp management, not to mention creating a favorable environment to make your hair grow healthy.
– Conditioning
The gel’s capability to propel collagen and elastin production coupled with its cohesive effects results in making both tresses and skin softer, smoother, and more elastic. Isn’t it a nice characteristic for hair styling and conditioning products? Zinc in the aloe vera formula works fine for oily hair thanks to its ability to tighten pores while the gel gently removes excessive sebum without overdrying.
Actually, we can use aloe vera for thick hair, thin locks, or whatever.
How to Use Aloe Vera for Hair
The juice is suitable for at-home treatment in many ways and various forms. When having the plant in your home garden, you can extract its juice for preparing home remedies.
Here are our instructions on how to make aloe vera gel:
– Cut off a couple of leaves and wash them well.
– Put them standing upright into a container to let the plant’s latex drain out.
– Rinse the leaves again and peel off the skin.
– Put the flesh in a blender and mix to get a uniform consistency.
Otherwise, purchase a quality product for the following DIY recipes:
– Leave-in conditioner – prepare aloe vera water for hair by adding a half cup of the gel into a cup of water and pouring it into a spray bottle.
– Frizz-control aloe mask for hair – mix aloe vera and coconut oil in the ratio of 2 to 1, spread the mix throughout your hair, and let it sit for half an hour.
– Hair growth booster – blend aloe vera and castor oil (a cup of the gel and 2 tbsps of the oil) to apply topically for 1-2 hours. You can get the same effect with aloe vera and lemon juice (2:1 for 30 minutes).
– Hair loss prevention – squeeze onion, garlic, and aloe vera juice and massage the mixture into the scalp, leave for half an hour.
– Softening mask – mix 2 tbsps of olive oil, mayonnaise, and aloe vera gel, add juice squeezed from a lemon, distribute the mixture along your strands, and cover with a cap for 30 minutes.
– Natural hair dye – blend aloe vera and coffee powder (1:1) to naturally darken your locks while stimulating their growth.
– Refreshing water spray – get aloe vera and rose water (1:1) and enrich the blend with a dab of rosemary essential oil for daily use.
– Moisturizing mask – combine vitamin E oil with aloe vera in equal proportion, add several drops of almond oil, and apply for 30 minutes.
Aloe Vera for Natural Hair
Since Afro-American spirals are particularly sensitive to damage because they lack moisture and natural sebum protection, use aloe vera for curly hair:
– before shampooing
– in your regular shampoo and conditioner
– when detangling
– during styling

Aloe Vera Hair Products
When picking a product to be really beneficial for your tresses, make sure to check that the gel is specified in the first five ingredients; otherwise, its content is too low to produce any effect. If the label reads aloe vera extract instead of juice or gel, take it for its more potent action. However, avoid gels with additives in their formulas since they can be harmful or at least useless. A pure organic product is your best choice.

Side Effects of Aloe on Hair
What we do love about this magic remedy is its safeness. The only way to somehow suffer from it is by developing an allergic reaction, which is rarely the case. Nevertheless, don’t skip out on patch testing before applying aloe for hair.

With so many opportunities of adapting aloe for hair care, you are sure to find something that suits your locks best. However, don’t overload them, as your tresses can get over-moisturized, which would be another problem to fix.
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