How to choose a hair color for tan skin?
I’m a tan color skin and I want a hair color that would look good on me. Can I dye it gray/silver?
Autumn is the right time to experiment with hair color to emphasize the effect of sun-kissed hair. To do this right and choose the new color so that it flatters your tan skin, you should know your seasonal type. There are four of them, and they are called according to the times of the year, i.e. autumn, spring, winter, and summer. You may have cool-toned or warm-toned tan skin, for example, olive tan skin or golden tan skin, it all depends on the ratio of pigments (carotene, melanin, and hemoglobin).
There are also other factors that determine the tan skin color.
Do you take nutraceuticals with carotenoids? How long do you tan? Or maybe you have naturally brown skin? It all matters as well. You can define the tone of your skin (warm or cool) with lipsticks of different colors (lilac-pink and coral pink). If your face looks clean, fresh and radiant with lilac-pink lipstick, your skin type is cool, if this is the case with coral pink, your type is warm.
What colors look good on tan skin?
Let’s check out the best colors for tan skin:
Chocolate brown hair and tan skin are a glorious combo; with brown and red shades, cold and warm tones of chocolate hair can emphasize your beautiful skin color;
Black hair and tan skin can be a nice match as well, however, it’s recommended to avoid neutral black shades and pay attention to the hues of black color instead (graphite and elegant black, or black chocolate).
Use highlights for tan skin to emphasize the color of your eyes (for example, yellow-based blonde or burgundy highlights will flatter cool-toned tan skin and hazel eyes).
Don’t forget about honey and caramel tones, since tan skin and blonde hair in warm and neutral shades may go together very well; other shades of medium brown are also a great solution, especially in combination with grey eyes and olive skin.
Besides, ashy shades shouldn’t be neglected, for silver hair on tan skin looks really wonderful. The effect is even more excellent if your skin has an olive undertone. Together with ash brown hair, this combo can make you look a bit Mediterranean.
And if you have dark skin and brown eyes – what hair color should you choose? In this case, you should consider burgundy or auburn hair on tan skin. The thing is, there are many shades of these colors, so every girl can choose the tone she likes the most.
And what about redheads? Red hair, tan skin, and green eyes look perfect together. However, such a combination may seem a bit daring, that’s why it’s chosen mainly by young girls.
Pink hair on tan skin looks nice only when light tones of pink are used. Moreover, this color would be perfect for any style, be it sport, vintage or casual.

Well, now you know how to choose good hair colors for tan skin according to your characteristics. There are many ways to create a wonderful look for a tan girl, and, the most important thing to take into consideration is your seasonal type.
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