Postpartum hair loss: how to help?
How can I stop postpartum hair loss? What causes it, and what’s its duration? My baby is 6 months and I still experience hair fall…
During pregnancy, hair, as well as nails and skin, becomes so beautiful and healthy-looking that women get used to it quite quickly and think that it will always be this way.

However, after childbirth, the level of the hormone estrogen responsible for the beauty and strength of the hair and produced in the body in excess during pregnancy drops to its previous level.
After giving birth, the hair follicles that were activated during the pregnancy period become inactive. Consequently, young mothers begin to lose some of their hair, which is a completely natural process.
But besides hormonal changes that last up to 6 months after childbirth, the postnatal hair condition can be affected by:
Chronic fatigue (caused by sleepless nights, baby’s moodiness)
Inadequate nutrition, lack of calcium (most often this happens when mothers are forced to follow a diet because of the baby’s allergic reaction to mother’s milk)
Deterioration of blood circulation
Anesthesia during labor (the female body can react negatively to it, and hair loss can be one of the possible reactions)
Insufficient hair care (exhaustion, lack of time and desire to make any masks, treatments etc.)
How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?
On average, hair loss begins 3-4 months after delivery and lasts for 2-3 months. However, sometimes this process can last up to a year after delivery, and when breastfeeding – even longer.
Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment
The postpartum body examination is a mandatory practice, and if you’re worried about severe hair loss and receding hair line after giving birth, this should be done as soon as possible. Also, dandruff and itchy scalp indicate a deviation.
An endocrinology consultation is obligatory, as it’s very important for a woman to make sure that her hormonal balance has returned to normal.
How to Stop Postpartum Hair Loss?
For some time, stop blow-drying and styling the hair with curling irons, using metal combs, dyeing and perming. Don’t comb wet hair and avoid tight hairstyles.
Use natural nourishing and restorative hair masks with burdock and castor oils, vitamins A and E. You can also add these oily solutions to any of your washing and hair care products.
Equally effective is aroma combing with a natural bristle massage hairbrush and essential oils (orange, tea tree or laurel).
Make sure that your diet includes food containing groups of vitamins B, C, E, zinc, and biotin.
Also, vitamin and mineral supplements will help deliver nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and stimulate hair growth.
Doctors also recommend using a shampoo and conditioner containing biotin that helps slow down the hair loss and improve hair condition.
Postpartum Hair Loss Styles
A young mother can choose a stylish and low-maintenance short haircut that may be very practical during this period of life: hair loss will be imperceptible. Well, even cutting off the ends of longer strands will also contribute to healthier-looking hair.
And of course, avoid stress and conflict situations, try to devote more time to yourself and your health. After all, an important condition for solving any problem is positive emotions and attitude!